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We love Jeff Brazier. Who is he? Oh, a minor celebrity here in the UK who was once married to the late Jade Goody. But we love him.
Is it his boyish looks? Well they’re not bad. Is it his amazing ass? Possibly. His hard abs? We like them. But no, what really has us going is his substantial bulge that he seems to offer on a regular basis.
What’s more, he said he can lick his own penis. But stop right there Jeff… don’t put us out of a job! We’re able and willing and ready to serve!
More amazing Jeff Brazier bulge pics after the jump.
someone is getting biggeeer!
Wow. Love Jeff Brazier's bulge.
I want him to bury that as far down my throat as he can get it. Yummy.
He looks innocent and all, but I bet he's the type with a nice dick like that to hold your head and choke you with it. Yes please!
Wonder how big his dick is if he can lick it, must be enormous